i have so much to be thankful for during this thanksgiving. (i know we're supposed to be thankful the whole year, but this thanksgiving gave me so much more to be thankful for. but i don't want to write about thanksgiving break, because there's way too much to write about, it'd take forever to write, and forever to read. i do thank the Lord for blessing me with so much though. anyways, now that thanksgiving is over, i'm SO ready for christmas!!! there's 2.5 weeks till winter break, but before that, i've gotta finish school. i've gotta get my act together and finish great! whee! i had some other stuff i wanted to update on, but i don't remember...anyways, snows coming down, christmas is coming, things are going great, i love it! i needa do some christmas shopping asap though, but i'm broke, so i think all my friends should just get cookies, ok? hahaha. anyways, i'm done, and it's time for bed because my eye doctor says i might go blind. no...