What Defines a Mission Trip?
Some people are about to get offended by this post, so if you would like to talk, I'd be happy to. Now, let's get to it. What defines a mission trip? What makes a mission trip different from a trip by a charitable organization? Last week I was in a one week class for "Introduction to Missiology" and that started a conversation between me and my classmates. Having an answer in mind, I came home and asked Enoch the same question. His first reply was "it's the difference in people's heart." But is that it? Is it just a matter of my heart, how I go on the trip, if I go with a heart of missions, it becomes a mission trip? No, but before I even ask those question, he added: "the presentation of the gospel." Yes. That's it; that's the answer. If there is no presentation of the gospel, whatever you are doing on the trip, whether its teaching English, visiting shelters, even singing Christian songs, is just "teaching...