
Showing posts from January, 2011

Worship Symposium

i have an hour before church is gonna start, so i decided on reflecting on this past week, because even though it was just the past weekend that was symposium, the past week has been the most 充實 week! i praise the Lord God Almighty! Interim class seems like FOREVER ago because of how much stuff has happened this week, but yet, it only just ended Tuesday...crazy. like i said on facebook, having symposium is bittersweet. symposium was draining me dry of my energy, but at the same time, it was very reviving! i thoroughly enjoyed the worship services that we had, not just the ones we led, but the opening and closing service in the CFAC. God is so good! i'm not a huge person about the musical aspect of worship because i think it's such a little part to worship as a whole. but that's what was amazing about worship symposium, it didn't just focus on the musical part, grant it, it was a big part, but it also showed us that that's not what it is all about. also, reverend de...


i'm sitting in the WAffice waiting for justin to be done with airband practice so we can all eat dinner together (rawr, WHY YOU HOLDING UP FAMILY DINNER!) so i have nothing to do here, and whenever i'm trapped in the WAffice, i listen to my family's sermons. so currently, i'm listening to guh's (or according to the website: 王鴻傳道) sermon. and i'm SO proud of him! so so so proud of him! i love my brother SO much! so it made me think of something as i'm sitting here listening to his sermon...i have a freaking awesome family! but i have a freaking ridiculous expectation ahead of me. as i watched my parents video made by CMC again this afternoon and listening to guh's sermon now, i'm like holy poop, my family's so great, and they've all gone before me. when it's my turn, my goodness, i don't know if i can be like that! i remember guh saying this to me before he left for ohio in 2008, this was when i was applying to colleges, he told me tha...

Last Year

Happy New Year!!! Since last night's blog post was on a more serious note, i'll start off the year with something less "serious" and just random... 1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? snow tubing, went to Chicago, went to Hillsong concert, played piano for chapel/loft, slid on ice while driving, and probably a few other things i can't think of 2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? haha, someone tell me if i kept last years...and yes, will make more for next year... 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? susan ahyi gave birth to the 5th - anna lu! 4. Did anyone close to you die? nope 5. What countries did you visit? canada for the very first time! 6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? MONEY! hahaha 7. What date(s) from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? quite a few~ 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? being offered internships! 9. What w...