
i'm sitting in the WAffice waiting for justin to be done with airband practice so we can all eat dinner together (rawr, WHY YOU HOLDING UP FAMILY DINNER!) so i have nothing to do here, and whenever i'm trapped in the WAffice, i listen to my family's sermons. so currently, i'm listening to guh's (or according to the website: 王鴻傳道) sermon. and i'm SO proud of him! so so so proud of him! i love my brother SO much! so it made me think of something as i'm sitting here listening to his sermon...i have a freaking awesome family! but i have a freaking ridiculous expectation ahead of me. as i watched my parents video made by CMC again this afternoon and listening to guh's sermon now, i'm like holy poop, my family's so great, and they've all gone before me. when it's my turn, my goodness, i don't know if i can be like that!
i remember guh saying this to me before he left for ohio in 2008, this was when i was applying to colleges, he told me that we were part of a legacy, that i might not know it yet, but ba and ma are gonna be big, and he's gonna be big too (hahaha, confidence is not a problem in the family...) so i've gotta be freaking awesome too. (don't worry, there was a reminder about how it's not about us and it's about God, but that's not what i'm getting at right now) it's kinda scary, my family's set up quite a reputation, i mean they're not "famous" or anything, but they're all really really ridiculously good. why did i have to be last! now the expectation's crazy high! also, guh totally got all the speaking skills. anyways, i'm not jealous, i'm super proud of him. he's gonna be so frigging awesome, and i get to say, "王鴻傳道? He's my brother~"


  1. Or maybe, since your family has paved the way, it will be easier for you to get to wherever it is you're going. =)


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