
Showing posts from July, 2011

Extended Winter

from:  etiquette for a lady it has been confirmed! i will return from Cairo on november 30, this means, i get the whole december off, and by off i mean, i'll be working. hahaha. but it's good! because i must earn money since i won't have double income like i did last semester...BUT big "secret" plan (not really secret since it's on the www) is that i might go to taiwan during that time! ahhh! so excited! okay, actually it's like literally just an idea, not even a plan...BUT if it works out (which i'm praying it does) i'll be on the beautiful formosan island! whee! i haven't been back in 4 years! i'm praying, pray for me too! hahaha, either way, abroad semester has been cut short by two weeks, air tickets are rather troublesome and expensive...sigh. today 頌揚 brought 3 SAF friends to church, singaporeans/south east asians are so funny! they're so chill and everything's just funny. yixuan, if only you were here, we could have a si...


did you know blogger keeps track of how many views your blog gets, which site the visitor came from, what country they are viewing from, what browser they are using, and what OS they are using too? i found this last week, it's so creepy. hahaha. people from germany and india have viewed my blog this week...what the crazy. and then when i look at all time stats, there are all these other random countries, i think the randomest is i have had views from iran, hahaha. SO random! it's actually kinda fun looking at this though, hahaha, but then this also means people will know when i go on their blogs... it's sunday again tomorrow, july seems to be passing by faster than june...i kinda wish my fall semester plans would be "set" now, because i still needa change tickets and stuff, and it's troublesome if they don't tell us ya, whatevers, i'll let God take care of that. He always has something ready at the perfect timing. whenever i think back to a...

Kids, Egypt, etc...

有些事我只想要對你說,因你比任何人都愛我; 痛苦從眼中流下,我知道你為我擦。   在早晨我也要來對你說,主耶穌今天我為你活;   所需要的力量你天天賜給我,你恩典夠我用。 i really like those lyrics...i especially like "有些事我只想要對你說"...i have lots of people that i consult things with and ask advice from, but a lot of times, it's better to just go to Him and pray...and as history has shown, things work out better than we could ever have imagined. praise the Lord! :D i'm not even through with the second week of teaching these kids and i'm going crazy...i told my mom i haven't disliked my name this much...hahaha, i hear "嬌嬌姐姐" at least 200 times a day, and i'm not even's the worst when they're doing work, cause all 3 of them say my name at the same time...but i'm still thankful, if it wasn't for Daniel 叔叔 and Susan 阿姨 providing me a job every summer - no matter where - I would not be able to pay for my own tuition. but teaching these kids have seriously helped me understand why our entire family ...


I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with 冰冰 on Thursday's midnight showing. ahhh!!! i NEARLY cried, but since i don't cry at movies, nothing came out, hahaha. it was sooo good though! i wanna watch it again, no, i WILL watch it again! i'm so glad i read the books before watching these movies, ahhh! i wanna relive Harry Potter!!! ANYWAYS, i've been working this past week, and it's been fun and =___=" too, hahaha, but anita really makes everything better. she makes teaching them so much more fun. on friday a missionary from saudi arabia came and spoke, oh man! it makes me so excited for ministry of magic !!! it's so exciting, and it made me re-plan my future a bit. anyways, it was exciting, i like hearing the work of missionaries/pastors out there. and i really liked church today, i really liked baba's sermon and mama's sunday school lesson was really good too. it was just really "filling." my mom's been saying, "wo...

"Beginning" of Summer

this week has been rather relaxing. since summer school ended on Tuesday, we went to phoenix on thursday and hung out with 二姨媽, and i couldn't stop laughing at everything she said. i hope i'm as jolly as her when i'm old. anyways, yesterday, ma and i made 水餃 and 雲吞 while ba 烤叉燒, it was fun. my 水餃 making skillz improved, hahaha, they don't look that ugly anymore! but making these things made me miss all the other relatives, cause all the aunts and uncle used to gather together to make anyhoo, work begins tomorrow. time to make some moolah. i calculated my tuition cost this year, and it's gonna be difficult supporting myself...BUT, as He's been faithful before, He'll be faithful again, so i have nothing to worry about, i know He will provide. i dunno if i've written about this on here yet, but there's a possibility of me going to Taiwan to teach english with a program called Fulbright, it's with the government, and i've been work...

Done [again]!

DONE WITH SUMMER SCHOOL! [choir] Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! I am also forever done with anything science, hahaha. I'm excited for summer to "begin"! Going to Phoenix with parents on Thursday and Mark comes back on Friday! Got two whole months of work before Israel and Egypt! So last night, as i was doing my devotions, i found something really interesting!!! Jonah 2:10-3:3 "Then the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land. Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, 'Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you.' So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three days’ walk." I've heard this story i think at least once every year of Sunday school, but what i realized this time is that when the big fish spit Jonah out, it did not spit him onto Nineveh. ...

Home Sweet Home

everything is truly better at home. i even think the detergent we use smells better, i especially like the smell of my towel...hahaha. tomorrow's the fourth of july, happy birthday america. i always feel pretty patriotic on july 4th, haha the day itself just makes me patriotic. that also means, after tomorrow, i have a chem final and i am done with summer school! YAY! praise Jesus! then after that, on july 6th, 哥 leaves for TW with 4C stm! i'm excited for 'em, but i'm also super jealous! guh's gotten to go back every summer because of missions, but i haven't been back since 2007...rawr. i'm actually kinda surprised it's july, i'm leaving for israel/egypt sooner than i think...i've gotten the Arabic alphabet down, but everything else I don't understand...hahaha, and then i gotta finish reading Blood Brothers  and the two chapters of the other textbook. but it's ok, i start working next week, so i'll have plenty of time to read at t...