
did you know blogger keeps track of how many views your blog gets, which site the visitor came from, what country they are viewing from, what browser they are using, and what OS they are using too? i found this last week, it's so creepy. hahaha. people from germany and india have viewed my blog this week...what the crazy. and then when i look at all time stats, there are all these other random countries, i think the randomest is i have had views from iran, hahaha. SO random! it's actually kinda fun looking at this though, hahaha, but then this also means people will know when i go on their blogs...

it's sunday again tomorrow, july seems to be passing by faster than june...i kinda wish my fall semester plans would be "set" now, because i still needa change tickets and stuff, and it's troublesome if they don't tell us ya, whatevers, i'll let God take care of that. He always has something ready at the perfect timing. whenever i think back to all of last summer's miracles, i still have O_O reaction, He's too good. anyways, bro's coming back from taiwan soon, pray for the end of their mission trip! they're leaving taichung at the end of this week, which is the end of stm, and then he's gonna chill in taipei for a few days, then it's teh-has for him! pray pray! :)


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