
Showing posts from October, 2010

Lead Me

i cannot stop listening to that song! so cute~ i'm getting sick...or is already sick, i'm not quite sure, but i haven't been sleeping well because of not feeling good, i keep waking up because i can't breathe, and then my throat hurts like crazy, and then when i wake up in the morning, it's like raspy and feels SO annoying. RAWR. i cannot get sick. anyways, i've been thinking about something lately. (interesting how ever since i switched to this blog Mundane Thoughts , my posts have been more "thoughts", and my Fanest Thoughts blog were all "weekend update posts") i can't really say too much about it, because i'm still trying to develop the thought, so it's about friendships. my mom has always told me and guh that 耶穌是我們最知心的朋友 and earthly friendships will all fade, unless built on the solid foundation of Jesus, but even then, it's unreliable...but guh and i never believed her or listened to her, because...well, we've b...


warning: long post due to filled weekend [sparknotes at end] it is most definitely bed time, i look ugg-o lately due to the lack of sleep...also lack of sleep means 水腫 according to xuans' mom...hahaha, but before bed, i feel like i should write about this past weekend, and this won't be a pointless weekend update, since there were many "purpose filled" events. fri: drove to retreat "site" (it's just someone's house 15min away, ptl though~) and had dinner there, and i think fri night was my fav worship set of all the ones i prepared for retreat...but now i can't even remember the songs, i just remember really liking the set and how they flowed. hurhur. that night, we had a gender debate about relationships. i think it's funny because there were many things that the guys said that i agree, and many things the girls said that i'm like what the heck? no. but it was interesting to hear everyone's thoughts. but anyways, sparknotes version: ...

The One

i feel like Ted Mosby . this is something that has been on my mind lately, i've been talking to my mom a lot about it. it's kinda pointless because i can't really "solve" it (right now, at least). hahaha, anyways, so everyone always says that i am the most picky when it comes to guys, i have the most expectations, and that realistically speaking, no such guy exists. but my response is always that: i have faith that the one God prepared for me IS that perfect. so i've been talking to my mom about how, well like we also teach about how, we needa throw away our "shopping list," because the one God prepared will be 超出我們所求所想. so where do you draw the line of, "i have faith that God will prepare:, and that "this guy isn't perfect to my list, but according to God, he's the perfect fit"? ok so, even though i probably do have the craziest list possible, i REALLY only care about one thing, and it's that he has to become a pastor. so ...


WAH! today in WA meeting ( lame pun intended), gave me a few things to ponder about...we were planning for next week's service, and next week's passage focus is from Philippians 3:1-11, it's when Paul talks about how he's this super awesome guy, but it's all rubbish to him. so then a question popped up, who can't you live without? so then this made me think, who can't I live without? the first people that pop into my head are like family and LLFs, but let's be real here. i'm living perfectly fine without my LLFs...hahaha, so then i was thinking, REALLY? who can't i live without? i don't have an answer yet, it made me think. (i know that God is the answer, but that's not the point here...) second thing that made me ponder: why do we always answer "how are you doing?" with "busy"? (especially during this midterm season) why is it that we must always seem like we're up to a lot and doing so many important things? as...


Yixuan and I always, i emphasize on ALWAYS, create epic party plans. there are times where it might begin to fail REALLY bad, but we always manage to save it. so don't ask for our ideas and then completely shoot us down. because it actually takes us a lot of brain power and time to think of something. so when we actually come up with something and present it to you, it means we've put a lot of work into it, if you just shoot us down, you've not only wasted one of our plans, you've also wasted a lot of our time. thank you for understanding and don't do it again. don't waste our epic plans, or at least use some of our epic ideas. thank you.


can someone make like 2 clones of me? i know this world might not be able to handle the awesomeness of more than 1 Jocelyn, but i need to be at like 3 places at once, and doing 3 different week is gonna be death week. monday: pentateuch midterm tuesday: world religions paper wednesday: leading loft rehearsal thursday: lectio devina friday: fridays at calvin songfest sunday: leading loft i'm excited though, my team's second week playing together! and paul ryan's letting me lead it myself now. i wouldn't mind if paul ryan himself isn't there...but i think with him watching me lead, i'm gonna be scared...hahaha. anyways, even though next week is scary, i'm pretty ready to kick some butt. i also think i'm in denial of my stress, because i don't feel stressed out at all. haha praise Jeebus~ whee, so i'm happy. very very happy. oh! i also booked my ticket to go home for thxgiving! i will be back 11/20 saturday morning!!! so excited for fa...

cry baby

i cry really easily. blame my parents for their crybaby genes. i realized yesterday... i cry even easier when i'm stressed. but guess what? i'm not even stressed, i just have a lot to do. i guess that does matter, because i just cry really easily...or i'm more stressed than i know? i don't know. what the heck? =.="

K Boys Night!

all my posts on this blog have been pretty "meaningful" if i do say so myself, so time for a weekend update post! on saturday night, since it was the first saturday of the month, it was Korean Boys night! so that night, i managed to stuff a total of 7 people on my camry (that's the number of people you fit in a van, not a sedan...) and we all went to applebee's together! oh man, so much laughter. there was so much laughter, that we forgot what we were laughing one point, my stomach was hurting from all that laughing...hahaha, those boys are funny. then of course, when out with the K boys, we MUST, it's almost a rule, stop by Meijer...haha, so we went there afterwards and did more was a good night. i'm so thankful to have wonderful friends like them. :) yesterday was pretty typical. but at night, karen and rok dam wanted to study for theology, so they came over and i helped them study...haha, man, something i'm actually good at :P a...