The One
i feel like Ted Mosby.
this is something that has been on my mind lately, i've been talking to my mom a lot about it. it's kinda pointless because i can't really "solve" it (right now, at least). hahaha, anyways, so everyone always says that i am the most picky when it comes to guys, i have the most expectations, and that realistically speaking, no such guy exists. but my response is always that: i have faith that the one God prepared for me IS that perfect. so i've been talking to my mom about how, well like we also teach about how, we needa throw away our "shopping list," because the one God prepared will be 超出我們所求所想. so where do you draw the line of, "i have faith that God will prepare:, and that "this guy isn't perfect to my list, but according to God, he's the perfect fit"? ok so, even though i probably do have the craziest list possible, i REALLY only care about one thing, and it's that he has to become a pastor. so then i asked my mom, so what if there's this guy who just fulfills everything on my crazy list, BUT does not want to be a pastor, and then there's this guy, who barely fulfills anything on my list, but does want to be a pastor, which would be the right guy? like i said, i can't really solve this question right now, but i do have what my mommy said to me, but i'm gonna post it, cause it's quite long. hmmmm, it's interesting though, we'll just all have to wait and see who i marry. (or if i get married O.o) hahaha
p.s. i'm just expressing my thoughts here, i'm not going through, cause i re-read it, and it sounds like i am...=.=
Hmmm interesting thought. I have a pretty exhaustive list in my head to. I think that once we really meet him though and get to know him, (ideally for me at least), it'll just start to become apparent that he is THE ONE. Like the list doesn't really matter because I'm sure he won't be the perfect one I envision, but there will be things that are also so much better than what i had in mind!