
warning: long post due to filled weekend [sparknotes at end]

it is most definitely bed time, i look ugg-o lately due to the lack of sleep...also lack of sleep means 水腫 according to xuans' mom...hahaha, but before bed, i feel like i should write about this past weekend, and this won't be a pointless weekend update, since there were many "purpose filled" events.

fri: drove to retreat "site" (it's just someone's house 15min away, ptl though~) and had dinner there, and i think fri night was my fav worship set of all the ones i prepared for retreat...but now i can't even remember the songs, i just remember really liking the set and how they flowed. hurhur. that night, we had a gender debate about relationships. i think it's funny because there were many things that the guys said that i agree, and many things the girls said that i'm like what the heck? no. but it was interesting to hear everyone's thoughts. but anyways, sparknotes version: one thing that stuck out to me was when 葉牧師 said, "guys, before you hold a girls hand, you must be positive that you're gonna hold her hands for the rest of your life...and girls, before you let a guy hold your hands, you must be sure that this is the guy that you want to hold your hand for the rest of your hand, this is the guy you want to guide you." i was like zomg, yes, i'm gonna tell my bf that when he appears in my life. hahaha, or even better, someone should tell him, and have him say that to me!

sat: back at calvin for family weekend worship...wah sai. slept at 3am the night before because karen and i left retreat pretty late, went to ihop, and then talked while we're both lying in DIFFERENT beds. (i'm emphasizing that we are not hanky pankying.) so early morning was just bad, i do not function properly under less than 6hrs of sleep, so playing piano immediately after waking up was not so good. but service went well for something we practiced for just 2hrs before...praise Jesus! then i left for retreat immediately, got there just in the nick of time for worship, praise God it was yixuan, i was doing worship with, we're two peas in a pod. then 葉師母 spoke of battle of the spirits/her testimony. it was awesome, also cause karen and i were just talking about the exorcisms that i've witnessed and like spiritual warfare stuff, so it was like NICE. hahaha, i also really enjoyed everyone's reaction to the stories, i think having seen it with my own eyes, the stories become not scary at was like ohhh yeah, i can totally see that. hahaha. so at night, it was praise night. man, 1.5hrs of straight piano playing, and normally, practicing for that long is fun, but i think because i haven't practiced playing for such a long time nonstop, that my hands were going crazy. also, there was definitely spiritual warfare, by the 3rd song (which is like what? 10min in? typical sunday service is longer...) my right arm (which NEVER causes me problems) started to tense up, like each finger movement caused pain, i kept praying on the inside, and then as soon as i played the last note of the last song, the pain was gone...of course right? hahaha, ptl~ i liked all the songs we did, and i had a lot of fun playing them.

sun: early morning again, took a full car to retreat, my supposedly fav set of worship when i planned it became my least fav after we actually did it...sighz. 葉牧師's sermon was about like living for Jesus, and he gave us a little strip of paper and told us to rip off what we've lived...i was like dang, i don't have much left...really gotta use this little strip to serve Jeebus! the funnier is thing when i was ripping "my life" i thought of my mom saying, "well you gotta subtract the time spent on 吃喝拉撒睡" i was like, so this little strip is actually EVEN smaller...T_T anyways, then came back for service at church...i have never been more tired, that i actually fell asleep for like a few min during sermon, AND pastor saw me...=.= anyways, then just random stuff after church, like banners for chapel, cooking dinner quickly (messing up on marinating), and watching Eclipse, holy crap, why do girls like that crap? i do not understand.

sparknotes version (for those lazy bums): retreat was good - 葉牧師/師母 reminds me of my parents...value-wise, people that come out of SBC are really different, maybe i should go there...(oh random thought: was talking to mommy yesterday, i really wanna take 講道學 with 趙維本老師...he taught my mom and 葉牧師, and i like both of their preaching style~) but i'm sad that i missed out on 葉牧師's lesson on Isaiah 6, i mean come on! one of my fav passages AND my calling passage? poop. oh and the holding hands quote (italicized on top cause colors aren't working right now...). so yeah, PTL!!!

i am awfully exhausted, thank God for academic advising break. thank God for no more F.I.T. aka, 1 class on MWF that starts at 1:30pm and done at 2:20pm! oh and one last note: it's thunderstorming outside; i smile at lightening and i thoroughly enjoy the booming sounds of thunder.


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