
Showing posts from March, 2011

Spring Break 2011

~Wonderful Spring Break Crew~ Spring Break Highlights (in order of occurrence): -Sitting/driving our new car! -Daniel singing When Will My Life Begin? -Seeing Anita and having her not want to leave my side for 1minute~ -Mount Lemmon with the boys -Watching The Little Lad Dance with the boys! HAHA. -Disneyland! - Cho holding my hand (it was after taking a picture with Pooh, I was walking in front, so I was reaching to the back to get my camera from Yixuan, AND HE HELD MY HAND FOR ABOUT 5 SECONDS!!! It happend guys, believe me.) -Meeting Christine, Cho's sister~ -Hearing Cho's life story on the flight back Wow, so many things about Cho...HAHA. - Most importantly: bonding with the boys and yixuan~ PTL! Reflections/Lessons: -I really need to work on the gentleness fruit... -My parents love me too much~ -The spiritual bond surpasses all bonds I thank You for blessing me with wonderful friends with whom I can enjoy spring break with. I thank You for giving me parents who love me so ...

Paid BFF

Happy Birthday Bernard Wen!!! ahhhhh! it's Bernard's birthday!!! whee~ time for the story of how i met bernard! in the summer of 2008, i went to Ohio to visit my brother and to do college visitations in the midwest. i went to Guh's youth group that friday and it was an activity night! we went bowling! there were 3 guys and 3 girls on my team, one of the guys was BERNARD! whee~ i didn't talk to him all. HAHAHAHA. anyways, that IS when we met though. then later that year at winter retreat, we talked a wee bit more, i think...anyways, it was after winter break that we started texting and chatting, and most importantly, omgpopping...hahaha, major bonding there. then yeah, our "bff" relationship came to be! haha, i'm so happy to have a "bff" like bernard, he kept me sane during my transition to calvin and even though we haven't talked in quite some time, our random texts are still uber enjoyable. happy birthday bff! i hope you had a w...


the tip thing on the top of the pic is the light... Happy Birthday Enoch Chan!!! holy crap, i don't even know where to begin...but skipping all the hate from the beginning, enoch's a friend i'm so thankful to have. now i'm not gonna write anything more about how i appreciate him or why he's just so awesome, because...he's already too full of himself. :D anyways, happy birthday enoch, i hope it was stupendous! now that you're officially an adult, you gotta 讓我贏, because 大的要讓小的。 haha, well, don't "grow up" too much, i do enjoy our dumD arguments...most of the time...except when you make me feel horrible about myself...-glare- whee, happy birthday grampy~

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts before bed: -doing devos yesterday, I found that there's a guy named "Dodo" when i call you a "doudou" i'm being biblical. -how can it be my last time for LOFT already?! -i really like cooking. now that i have good ingredients to cook with, it's a lot of fun. i like being satisfied by my own product. -got exams back today, half satisfied, half disappointed. oh well. -i miss tracy~ -almost spring break!!! -shoot, we still don't have enough housemates yet. -our relationship is a roller-coaster's making me sick. wow, how can one person have that many feelings all at once? i don't know, God made me this way. i'm done, just random.

Twin and Rabbit!

生日快樂大雙胞胎!!! yesterday was 婷婷's 23rd birthday! we've known each other for 5 years, but we've only had the blessing of seeing each other 2 times. nonetheless, we are twins, so we still get along awfully well. this girl is loud, sarcastic, funny, mean, and just plain awesome. i miss her so much~ 婷,我想回馬來西亞喝喜酒,快呀~ :) God bless you, even though you might have forgotten about Him, He has never forgotten you, and i'm still praying for you! (haha, i couldn't find a picture of us, but i found a silly picture of you!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Z.z!!! Z.z turned 21 today! wow wow wow!!! an official adult, now time to act like one!!! hahaha, Z.z and i have too many dumb stories (that we should probably not tell, how embarrassing...) but he's still a good friend, and when we get to talk, it's still fun. he's a piano god, i remember being awestruck by his piano skills, his fingers go all over the place. Z.z, when you come ah?! i wait so long liao! anyways, happy birthday friend~ ...

Adjustment Bureau

Watched Adjustment Bureau with yixuan, karen, and kboys last night, whee~ i liked it. matt damon might not be super good looking, but i definitely love his movies! also this movie had so many theological references i was about to write a sermon on it, except there was a theological error in there, but i won't mention it now. anyways, this weekend was super chill, thank God! i think it's because of the two exams on friday, it took the load off me. so saturday and sunday were playplay days! plus, didn't have to do anything for chinese church, so didn't have to rush to church immediately after the first service...but during communion i kept trying to get P.Ting's attention to ask if he wanted me to play piano, and when he finally looked at me, we did this special sign language thing, i found it funny. anyhoo. at church today, i had to go do so many thank yous for my parents, and people that didn't know me before all know me now, because i'm like "叔叔,阿姨好,我...


爸爸 and 媽媽were here for a week, and they left yesterday. I loved having them here, they love me so much~ this week has been very...FULL. hahaha, mama cooked nonstop and it was all my favorite foods! i felt like cutting open my stomach after every meal. yixuan and i were like "we never learn! we over eat EACH meal!!!" mama preached a total of 4.5 times, oh my goodness, i love her. she is amazing, and i'm not just saying that because she is my mommy...i've gotta be better than her in the future! 她太厲害了~ and i spent much more time with my dad this trip, which was surprising, cause before they got here, i actually thought i'd spend every moment talking to my mom...but instead i spent more time talking with my dad! which was a nice change, we had to go out together every day, so we spent a lot of time talking on the car. it reminded me of when i was little and he'd take me out once a month for breakfast as a father-daughter time. and it was always my favorite day! an...


我等你 - 光良 不做考慮也沒半點猶豫 我就說了這一句 我等你 你眼中閃過了一些訝異 更多的是懷疑 所以你可以離去 不相信你還會回心轉意 是我任性才決定 要等你 我眼中的淚沒掉過一滴 只是隨你背影 慢慢倒流進心裡 我等你 半年為期 逾期就狠狠把你忘記 不只傷心的 還包括一切甜蜜 要等你 要證明自己 我可以縱容你在心底 也可以當你只是路過的人而已 我等你 半年為期 逾期就狠狠把你忘記 你應該已經和她公開在一起 要等你 要證明自己 我可以縱容你在心底 也可以當你只是路過的人而已