Paid BFF

Happy Birthday Bernard Wen!!!
ahhhhh! it's Bernard's birthday!!! whee~ time for the story of how i met bernard! in the summer of 2008, i went to Ohio to visit my brother and to do college visitations in the midwest. i went to Guh's youth group that friday and it was an activity night! we went bowling! there were 3 guys and 3 girls on my team, one of the guys was BERNARD! whee~ i didn't talk to him all. HAHAHAHA. anyways, that IS when we met though. then later that year at winter retreat, we talked a wee bit more, i think...anyways, it was after winter break that we started texting and chatting, and most importantly, omgpopping...hahaha, major bonding there. then yeah, our "bff" relationship came to be! haha, i'm so happy to have a "bff" like bernard, he kept me sane during my transition to calvin and even though we haven't talked in quite some time, our random texts are still uber enjoyable.
happy birthday bff! i hope you had a wonderful day hanging out with friends at the melting pot - yes, i am all-knowing. i wanna hang out with you soon, it's been too long!! how are we still bffs?! anyways, as you enter into the awesome year of 19 (i actually think it's a really awkward number, and i do hope you are turning 19...) may God continue to pour down His love and wisdom, and may you continue to serve and love Him whole-heartedly!! :)
We are still BFFs because I pay you good money duh!! Haha thanks jocelyn :D you would not talk to me the first time we met :(