Generations Camp 2019
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Generations Camp 2017 vs. |
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Generations Camp 2019 |
In 2017, Enoch and I went to our first Generations Camp. We LOVED it. It was the best - super relaxing, so much fellowship, getting to know lots of church members that go to different services/community groups/etc, playing board games, and all around the best family camp we've ever been to. Fast forward to 2019, first generations camp with a baby - most stressful family camp we've ever been to.
On Saturday afternoon, the day before we were supposed to head out to Arkansas, Elli threw up and had a fever. Both our pediatrician and a church friend-doctor said she's fine and should be over it in a day. By faith, we left for Arkansas on Sunday. We were less than an our away from camp when she started throwing up - two times in a row and her fever came back. The next day, she developed a cold on top of that. However, the church friend-doctor arrived, took a look at her and said she'll be fine. She gave Elli some anti-nausea medication and Elli seemed to be back to normal...for a few hours. Then she threw up again. My mom-guilt was flooding my thoughts, I debated whether or not we should start driving home or maybe just Elli and I should fly back. I texted my brother asking for prayers, and he reminded me of my "1995 incident" (another story for another day) and also that even if we were to leave, Elli wouldn't miraculously heal. He reminded me that we have an assignment and we are to complete it by faith. I agreed with him, but I felt guilty over Elli and everyone around us having to deal with a fussy baby.
On Monday and Tuesday, Elli continued to throw up and have a fever. Everyone around was super gracious and caring, but I always felt bad for disturbing everyone. Wednesday morning at 6:30am, Elli woke up screaming, when I felt her, she was burning like fire. I told Enoch we HAVE to take her to the hospital. We took her temperature - 104.3. I immediately started crying when I saw the temperature climb. We drove 1.5hr to Mountain Home, AK. On the way, I kept praying that the Lord would provide angels around us. We first arrived to an urgent care, but they were very incompetent, so it brought me no peace at all. They gave us a prescription, so we ended up spending 2hrs at Walgreens waiting for the prescription and letting Elli sleep. While Enoch was walking around Walgreens holding Elli, a woman walked up to him and asked if she could pray for them (Angel #1). Then, Enoch and I also fell asleep waiting for the prescription. The man next to us, who also waited just as long as us, walked up to the counter and asked if they could fill ours now (Angel #2). The Taynes also drove out just to check up on us (Angels #3-4) and I just LOVE our church family. We knew we were being prayed for and loved on. Then, our pediatrician finally responded and suggested that we go into the ER based on Elli's situation.
We arrived at the ER at around 3:00pm and Enoch was supposed to speak at Wednesday evening's worship. In short, Elli wasn't getting enough oxygen and the nurse practitioner felt like it would be necessary for us to stay at the hospital. Enoch and I agreed that we would leave regardless, because they couldn't find exactly what was wrong with Elli. They did several things to help her breathe better, but it didn't seem like she was responding. I started crying in that moment again because I felt like the situation suddenly became 100x worse. It turns out the reason why she wasn't responding to the breathing treatments was because IT WAS A FAULTY MONITOR. Meanwhile, they were also running different tests on her, but everything was coming back negative. Enoch and I knew it was spiritual warfare, so we decided that no matter what, we were gonna leave at 5pm to make it back to worship. At 4:55pm, they finally came back and told us that we can be discharged, even though he strongly feels like we should stay.
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Strong to save, faithful in love
My debt is paid and the vict'ry won
The Lord is my salvation
That sounded incredibly scary! I was near tears reading about your tears! Praise God she was fine, dear little Elli <33