Jesus is All You Need
I really should be sleeping. We've gotta be at church at 8am tomorrow, which means we're gonna leave the house at 7, which means I've gotta wake at 6, which everyone knows is death for me. However, if I don't blog about this now, I never will.
As cheesy and obvious as it is, the statement "Jesus is all you need" is the most true statement, ever. I just had a less than 10minute conversation with a friend from HS. We weren't particularly close in high school, well, that's not true. We were close in school, but we both had friends outside of school that were our "best friends". Last year, she was in Dallas for a conference, we met up and she shared with me that she has quite her high-paying lawyer job to be a missionary. I was shocked. She was the last person I would have imagined to be a missionary, but God's call came, and she obeyed. She became a missionary to a country in the Middle East, and has just returned recently. We sent a few messages just to catch up (as much as you can via Kakao Talk...), and she asked me if I ever visit Tucson anymore. I said I don't, because everyone I'm close to has moved away. However, a few minutes into the conversation, we've shared briefly (2 sentences at most) about what God has done recently, and we're both excited to hear more, so much so that I want to visit Tucson just to hear more of her stories. It's so weird to me because if you asked high school Jocelyn if I would ever visit a place just to see this friend, honestly, I would say no. But now, I desperately want to meet up with her to hear what God has been/is doing in her life! See. Jesus is all you need. All relationships, all problems, all difficulties, every. single. thing. in life comes down to Jesus. When there's Jesus, there's everything. Our God is a good God.
So seriously, Tucson...perhaps we'll meet again very soon.
As cheesy and obvious as it is, the statement "Jesus is all you need" is the most true statement, ever. I just had a less than 10minute conversation with a friend from HS. We weren't particularly close in high school, well, that's not true. We were close in school, but we both had friends outside of school that were our "best friends". Last year, she was in Dallas for a conference, we met up and she shared with me that she has quite her high-paying lawyer job to be a missionary. I was shocked. She was the last person I would have imagined to be a missionary, but God's call came, and she obeyed. She became a missionary to a country in the Middle East, and has just returned recently. We sent a few messages just to catch up (as much as you can via Kakao Talk...), and she asked me if I ever visit Tucson anymore. I said I don't, because everyone I'm close to has moved away. However, a few minutes into the conversation, we've shared briefly (2 sentences at most) about what God has done recently, and we're both excited to hear more, so much so that I want to visit Tucson just to hear more of her stories. It's so weird to me because if you asked high school Jocelyn if I would ever visit a place just to see this friend, honestly, I would say no. But now, I desperately want to meet up with her to hear what God has been/is doing in her life! See. Jesus is all you need. All relationships, all problems, all difficulties, every. single. thing. in life comes down to Jesus. When there's Jesus, there's everything. Our God is a good God.
So seriously, Tucson...perhaps we'll meet again very soon.
Was not the name j-sus invented in the 16th century ?