if i were a boy
i would not want to be a boy. although i do think they have a lot of things "easier"...but i like being a girl, and i especially like being a girl in our family :P
but this week has definitely made me not like being a girl...girls have WAY too much drama...even the best of friends can have ridiculous drama, i am not made for that kind of drama. i can't do drama. i don't care for drama. i run away from drama. today, i had lunch with cho and daniel, ahhh~ so relaxing and SO funny! being with them was SO much fun. i'm so glad i got to have lunch with them. made this week a lot better. i don't have to worry about feelings...hahaha, and i can talk about anything i want with them! oh~ thank God for this korean family! thank you boys! you guys are the best :)
it's been quite a while since i've updated this blog...but since xiao chi jiejie does this every year, i copy her :P
but this week has definitely made me not like being a girl...girls have WAY too much drama...even the best of friends can have ridiculous drama, i am not made for that kind of drama. i can't do drama. i don't care for drama. i run away from drama. today, i had lunch with cho and daniel, ahhh~ so relaxing and SO funny! being with them was SO much fun. i'm so glad i got to have lunch with them. made this week a lot better. i don't have to worry about feelings...hahaha, and i can talk about anything i want with them! oh~ thank God for this korean family! thank you boys! you guys are the best :)
it's been quite a while since i've updated this blog...but since xiao chi jiejie does this every year, i copy her :P
1. What did you do in
2011 that you'd never done before?
study abroad <-- that includes many many firsts
2. Did you keep your
New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
i don't think i actually had a new year's resolutions...hahaha, i don't think i have one this year too, well i have one for the semester, but i will not write it on here~
3. Did anyone close
to you give birth?
4. Did anyone close
to you die?
5. What countries did
you visit?
israel/palestine, jordan, turkey, egypt
6. What would you
like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
i don't now what i lacked in 2011...money? hahaha
7. What date(s) from
2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
4.17 and 4.25
8. What was your
biggest achievement of the year?
9. What was your
biggest failure?
sigh. LHM.
10. Did you suffer
illness or injury?
fell at ein gedi...
11. What was the best
thing you bought?
aladdin pants in israel!
12. Whose behavior
merited celebration?
xiao yun jiejie :)
13. Whose behavior
made you appalled and depressed?
14. Where did most of
your money go?
tuition and traveling
15. What did you get
really, really, really excited about?
4.17 and 4.25
16. What song(s) will
always remind you of 2011?
On the Floor (hahaha, every store and person in the middle east was playing that song)
17. Compared to this
time last year, are you:
Wiser? i hope so
Healthier? surprisingly yes
Richer? no...
18. What do you wish
you'd done more of?
hanging out with MESP people...
19. What do you wish
you'd done less of?
20. How will you be
spending Christmas?
i don't know! i have no idea where i'll be! ><
21. Did you fall in
love in 2011?
22. How many
one-night stands?
too many, hahaha
23. What was your
favorite TV program?
same old same old...
24. Do you hate
anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
no, i seem to just ignore them...
25. What was the best
book you read?
that dr. leman book, hahaha
26. What was your
greatest musical discovery?
errr...i dunno
27. What did you want
and get?
i don't know either
28. What did you want
and not get?
still don't know...
29. What was your
favorite film(s) of this year?
xmen first class
30. What did you do
on your birthday, and how old were you?
i skyped and i went to 禱告會 with my parents! hahaha, but i celebrated it with the Lu's the next day. 20!
31. What's one thing
that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
no drama!
32. How would you
describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
jeans and t shirt...this doesn't seem to change, except more dresses :D
33. What kept you
34. Which
celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
oh no, i can't think of who i idolized this year!
35. What political
issue stirred you the most?
arab-israeli conflict
36. Who did you miss?
37. Who was the best
new person you met?
38. Tell us a
valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
God is full of grace, forgiveness, and love.
39. Quote a song
lyric that sums up your year.
微笑再美再甜 不是妳的都不特別
眼淚再苦再鹹 有你安慰又是晴天
靠的再近再貼 少了擁抱就算太遠
玩的再瘋再野 妳瞪一眼我就收斂
馬路再寬再遠 只要你牽就很安全
我會又乖又黏 溫柔體貼絕不敷衍
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