Faulty Memory

if only I had a pensieve to look at my past memories...

i was just going through my old blog posts and the ones from college are hilarious to relive through...anyways, i found something that i wrote in march of 2011 that was shocking because of when it was written. so i decided to go back to look at my emails, and it turns out, my memory has been wrong all these years! i didn't burn the bridge to that friendship! all this time, i thought i had ruined that friendship, i thought i was the one who ended things abruptly, but it turns out, i was trying to maintain that friendship! oh well, it's in the past, and i already apologized for it, it's not like i can say "i take back my apology from 3 years ago, for the things that happened 5 years ago, because it turns out, i didn't do the things i apologized for" hahaha, though that would be a funny email. ah well, all things work together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). i don't really understand how all this time i remembered the story so differently though...but it's kind of a relief to know i didn't actually ruin the friendship, and it was also a huge learning opportunity through the whole process, so all in all, praise the Lord.

two more weeks of school and then off to NY for brother's ordination! huzzah!


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