Personal and Communal

my worship team had to lead calvin's chapel and LOFT (sunday service) all week last i was hecka busy and there was almost no breathing time. but PTL! because homework was light, hahaha. anyways, so then i had to be at all the chapels (even though, i technically should go anyways :P) but it made me love calvin's chapel and loft! i went to VERY few of the services last year, so i wasn't too interested, but being sorta "required" to go, i really enjoyed each time. sunday after LOFT i was SO hyper that i was sitting at my desk flipping out, i kept telling everyone how hyper i was and everyone just thought i was crazy...i had so much extra energy with nothing to do.

ANYWAYS, the point is:
our relationship with Christ is both personal and communal. last year, God was kept reminding me the importance of a personal relationship with Him, and last year i learned to push myself to move like no more parents/brother reminding me to do what i'm supposed to, it became a natural part of life. So i can now proudly say, i am walking with God! However, i think this year, God's putting an emphasis on the communal part of the relationship. i love the fact that i go to a christian college, but all of last year, i didn't even take advantage of all the opportunities this college has given me. but being in that not so big chapel, and worshipping with a big population of students, faculty, and's a really different type of feeling! ahhhh, i don't know where i'm going with this. but i'm thankful that God is teaching me to build this relationship in both a personal and communal aspect.

this week's philippians memory verse: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:21


  1. haha all those "LOFT"s made me think of ann taylor loft =P

    and yeh, make good use of that tuition!! i'm def not cuz I'm not even on campus anymore.. AND I pay an off-campus fee. Lame.


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