
Showing posts from September, 2013

His Plans are Greater

it's been several months of chaotic changes. starting from may, my brother graduated from seminary (officially, though by then, he's been the english pastor at nyc for half a year, 9months now) and my parents also officially decided to move to japan to be missionaries. part of me was really happy for them that God has finally opened up another route for them after ALL these years, but another part of me was really sad, because i knew that this implied that i was losing my home, i was gonna be an MK. but i had to put my selfish reasons behind and submit to God's greater plan. then, i also decided to come to swbts instead of gordon-conwell, this change was by divine intervention ONLY. it was His plan and though it was not what i wanted, i trust that He has a plan for me. i've been in texas for three weeks now. the transition here this time was much smoother than when i moved to calvin. the reasons are, 1) this is not my first time leaving home anymore 2) i don't fe