
Showing posts from 2010


New Year's Eve! i went out pretty early with my two aunts and my cousin, and half an hour before we came home, i started having a deadly headache, and i still have it, it's been about here's my reflection of the past year...i have more stuff to write about, but this headache is killing me that i can't think straight, so i'm just gonna post what i have. Family Fall of 2010 marked the one-year anniversary of my parents having an empty nest. It’s interesting to see how things have changed and how things have stayed the same. My parents have become so much more loving than before. I think now that they only have each other, they’re much more appreciative of each other. Their love is even more evident than before, and dumb arguments no longer exist. Praise the Lord. My brother and I got especially close this year. Maybe it’s because we’re finally at an age where we can have an adult conversation. Or maybe it’s because we’re able to talk about spiritual t...

Merry Christmas

i really love Christmas! my family's never "celebrated" Christmas, as in we never do anything special, obviously we do Christmas stuff in church, but never anything at home. this year's christmas is especially 冷淡, cause a buncha people left around the third day i got back, then my mommy left today for cali to yixuan and i just chilled around the house and we're watching Breakfast at Tiffany's right now. anyways, all this doesn't matter, i just love the Christmas season, there's just something about the joyousness in everything. and yesterday, nothing exciting happened either, except that at night, yixuan and i went crazy and just laughed at every single thing...crazy to the extent of jumping around...hahaha, so yeah. i really don't care what i do on christmas, i just really love christmas. i hope ya'llz had a very merry christmas! and i hope that you got presents that you love, but more importantly, i hope you remember why we have t...

home sweet home

i love being home! it's only been 4 days and i've had so much fun~ everything's better at home! also, as much as i like the snow and how pretty it looks, i'm rather happy that it's warm here! i don't have to layer and layer before i go out...haha, anyways, i will have more updates when i'm not watching a movie...currently watching Letters to Juliet with yixuan! but before i stop (because it'll be the lamest blog post ever...) i had to take a strengths test yesterday for WA, and here are the results, i'm only giving the shortened description, cause the full descriptions are all like an entire paragraph...anyways, here they are! Individualization People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively. Developer People who are especially talented in the Developer theme recognize and cultivate t...


Monday: REL 255 World Religions Final Tuesday: Chinese 101/102 credit exams Wednesday: REL 222 Johannine Final and REL 211 Pentateuch Final Thursday: fly home! Friday: REL 255 paper so i still have a paper, but i'm so excited i'm done with finals! omgoodness, i almost went crazy these past few days...i'm glad there were two biblical theology classes though, cause then it was interpretations which is easier than memorizing dates and stuff...anyways, the only class i'm gonna miss from this semester is Pentateuch, i dunno why i liked this class SO much, i mean i've always dreaded reading the Pentateuch, but studying it was a lot of fun! and even though people don't like her, i'm glad i have deGroot again for interim! anyways, DONE! celebrate! aka. packing to go home tmr!

Almost There!

Monday: REL 255 World Religions Final Tuesday: Chinese 101/102 credit exams Wednesday: REL 222 Johannine Final and REL 255 Pentateuch Final Thursday: fly home! Friday: REL 255 papers almost there! almost done! i can do it! whee~ i had to take the chinese 101/102 credit exams today, because i want those credit on my AER for this semester, even though i just have to get it before i graduate...anyways, freaking took 3 chinese tests in 1.5hrs...hahaha, it was SO easy though, i had to translate stuff into english and then translate things into PIN YIN, not even characters cause it said "pin yin only" so i was like oh ok. hahaha. but there was a part of the exam and i laughed i had to translate 雞丁 and i just could not think of how to translate 丁 and in my head all i could think of "chicken chunks" hahahaha...and then for a buncha things i was translating, i was like "should i be using correct terms or like white people terms?" so i just did white people ...

One Week

every semester i've done a post like this; in the past years, they were planned, this year it i was.( interesting fact eh? haha.) i cannot believe i will be home again in one week. what the heck. this semester flew by! i only have 3 semesters left in college! (that is, if everything goes according to plan...maybe i'll stay to graduate with the K Boys...hahaha) this semester has been pretty amazing, but i'm gonna save that for my end of the year reflection. anyways, this year's snow has been pretty fail, and with no snow, heat isn't packed i feel like it's colder this year compared to last year, but there's WAY less snow than last year, no fun. (just watch, because i said that, suddenly, tomorrow we're gonna get a blizzard) it's so ugly when there's no snow too, everything's naked. ahhhh! christmas is right around the corner! i'm so excited! i've been listening to christmas music by: glee, michael buble, frank sinatra, and nat...

Slippery Slope

"You don't know how far the ripples of our decisions go" -Wanted Every time I think about this quote, I get a little scared, because unlike how the movie was trying to use this quote, that "oh your decision will have such a great effect and you'll be the hero, I always think of "your mistake is gonna cause SO much trouble." this weekend, i did something stupid because i thought it was fun, hahaha (i mean, most of the time my definition of fun is equivalent to stupidity right?) well anyways, it caused unhappiness between me and a good friend. now, i didn't realize how far the ripples of my decision went, because from past experience, there were no ripples, so i thought that i was safe this time too. but idiotic me was wrong. hahaha, anyways, thank God the problem i caused was solved within a few minutes, but one thing led to another, my decision caused something else to happen...and even though the second "problem" may not have been directl...


i have so much to be thankful for during this thanksgiving. (i know we're supposed to be thankful the whole year, but this thanksgiving gave me so much more to be thankful for. but i don't want to write about thanksgiving break, because there's way too much to write about, it'd take forever to write, and forever to read. i do thank the Lord for blessing me with so much though. anyways, now that thanksgiving is over, i'm SO ready for christmas!!! there's 2.5 weeks till winter break, but before that, i've gotta finish school. i've gotta get my act together and finish great! whee! i had some other stuff i wanted to update on, but i don't remember...anyways, snows coming down, christmas is coming, things are going great, i love it! i needa do some christmas shopping asap though, but i'm broke, so i think all my friends should just get cookies, ok? hahaha. anyways, i'm done, and it's time for bed because my eye doctor says i might go blind. no...

Peace of God

that's tiffany and brook from SOP, my brother knows tiffany, therefore i indirectly know her i wanted my brother to marry her when i first met her their wedding is so legit! it's so pretty and the location is so pretty! i'm jealous! that video is friggin' awesome. anyways, that was just a random note. yesterday was my last time leading LOFT...ALREADY! it was awesome, wow, praise Jeebus! without Him, nothing would've turned out the way it did. the live cast's not on vimeo yet or else i'd link it. Also, Pastor Aaron was focusing on the topic of how the peace of God comes from the God of Peace ( Philippians 4:2-9 ) it was just really good, thank you Jesus. OH. EM. GEE. 5 more days till home!!! 6 more days till darling anita!!! it's weird how excited i am to see her, and she's excited to see me too! :D but before that: Monday: REL 255 Paper due Tuesday: REL 255 Terms Quiz Wednesday: CRC Event at Ramanda (paid...hehe) Thursday: REL 222 Research Paper due...

Lovey Dovey

this post is gonna deal a lot with 戀愛, haha, don't blame me, it's just what's been going on lately. because there's quite a lot, i'll try to condense it as much as possible. i'm also just jotting these down for my sake, because they work as a good reminder for myself, so don't feel obligated to read it. ha. 1) the things one does for the other this is coming from watching a lot of friends and the study of Exodus. so in Friends, Ross pretty much does ANYTHING for Rachel, he skips his dinosaur thingy for her, he does this and that for her, he's always sacrificing his own things for her. But Rachel never realizes. of course, being a TV show, she does eventually find out the stuff he does for her and goes awww. but anyways, it's just that, the receiving end never really knows what's going on in the sacrificing end, and kind of just takes everything for granted because...well, you're getting your way. anyways, i saw this in the study of Exodus too...

God's Providence

I'll do this in the shortest way possible so that i don't end up with those crazy long blog post. In Pentateuch, we talked about God's providence, and for those of you whom i sent a testimony to know that it could not have been any clearer about how God takes care of me. Anyways, I know that this is a rather small issue, but i'm SO thankful! So yesterday was registration, but everything was closed, so i only registered for 4 credits! =_____= i got into 1 religion class and 1 PE class that's only half a i petitioned for 4 classes (but i only need 3 of the 4) Then this morning, i got into 1 of the petitioned classes, and i was like woot...7 credits...anyways, i got into all of them!!! i'm so thankful! i don't even need it all, so i can actually drop one and take something just for the sake of wanting to take it! i was so happy when it worked out; i walked to class smiling, i sat in class smiling, i was just giddy! God is so good! why does He love...

Lead Me

i cannot stop listening to that song! so cute~ i'm getting sick...or is already sick, i'm not quite sure, but i haven't been sleeping well because of not feeling good, i keep waking up because i can't breathe, and then my throat hurts like crazy, and then when i wake up in the morning, it's like raspy and feels SO annoying. RAWR. i cannot get sick. anyways, i've been thinking about something lately. (interesting how ever since i switched to this blog Mundane Thoughts , my posts have been more "thoughts", and my Fanest Thoughts blog were all "weekend update posts") i can't really say too much about it, because i'm still trying to develop the thought, so it's about friendships. my mom has always told me and guh that 耶穌是我們最知心的朋友 and earthly friendships will all fade, unless built on the solid foundation of Jesus, but even then, it's unreliable...but guh and i never believed her or listened to her, because...well, we've b...


warning: long post due to filled weekend [sparknotes at end] it is most definitely bed time, i look ugg-o lately due to the lack of sleep...also lack of sleep means 水腫 according to xuans' mom...hahaha, but before bed, i feel like i should write about this past weekend, and this won't be a pointless weekend update, since there were many "purpose filled" events. fri: drove to retreat "site" (it's just someone's house 15min away, ptl though~) and had dinner there, and i think fri night was my fav worship set of all the ones i prepared for retreat...but now i can't even remember the songs, i just remember really liking the set and how they flowed. hurhur. that night, we had a gender debate about relationships. i think it's funny because there were many things that the guys said that i agree, and many things the girls said that i'm like what the heck? no. but it was interesting to hear everyone's thoughts. but anyways, sparknotes version: ...

The One

i feel like Ted Mosby . this is something that has been on my mind lately, i've been talking to my mom a lot about it. it's kinda pointless because i can't really "solve" it (right now, at least). hahaha, anyways, so everyone always says that i am the most picky when it comes to guys, i have the most expectations, and that realistically speaking, no such guy exists. but my response is always that: i have faith that the one God prepared for me IS that perfect. so i've been talking to my mom about how, well like we also teach about how, we needa throw away our "shopping list," because the one God prepared will be 超出我們所求所想. so where do you draw the line of, "i have faith that God will prepare:, and that "this guy isn't perfect to my list, but according to God, he's the perfect fit"? ok so, even though i probably do have the craziest list possible, i REALLY only care about one thing, and it's that he has to become a pastor. so ...


WAH! today in WA meeting ( lame pun intended), gave me a few things to ponder about...we were planning for next week's service, and next week's passage focus is from Philippians 3:1-11, it's when Paul talks about how he's this super awesome guy, but it's all rubbish to him. so then a question popped up, who can't you live without? so then this made me think, who can't I live without? the first people that pop into my head are like family and LLFs, but let's be real here. i'm living perfectly fine without my LLFs...hahaha, so then i was thinking, REALLY? who can't i live without? i don't have an answer yet, it made me think. (i know that God is the answer, but that's not the point here...) second thing that made me ponder: why do we always answer "how are you doing?" with "busy"? (especially during this midterm season) why is it that we must always seem like we're up to a lot and doing so many important things? as...


Yixuan and I always, i emphasize on ALWAYS, create epic party plans. there are times where it might begin to fail REALLY bad, but we always manage to save it. so don't ask for our ideas and then completely shoot us down. because it actually takes us a lot of brain power and time to think of something. so when we actually come up with something and present it to you, it means we've put a lot of work into it, if you just shoot us down, you've not only wasted one of our plans, you've also wasted a lot of our time. thank you for understanding and don't do it again. don't waste our epic plans, or at least use some of our epic ideas. thank you.


can someone make like 2 clones of me? i know this world might not be able to handle the awesomeness of more than 1 Jocelyn, but i need to be at like 3 places at once, and doing 3 different week is gonna be death week. monday: pentateuch midterm tuesday: world religions paper wednesday: leading loft rehearsal thursday: lectio devina friday: fridays at calvin songfest sunday: leading loft i'm excited though, my team's second week playing together! and paul ryan's letting me lead it myself now. i wouldn't mind if paul ryan himself isn't there...but i think with him watching me lead, i'm gonna be scared...hahaha. anyways, even though next week is scary, i'm pretty ready to kick some butt. i also think i'm in denial of my stress, because i don't feel stressed out at all. haha praise Jeebus~ whee, so i'm happy. very very happy. oh! i also booked my ticket to go home for thxgiving! i will be back 11/20 saturday morning!!! so excited for fa...

cry baby

i cry really easily. blame my parents for their crybaby genes. i realized yesterday... i cry even easier when i'm stressed. but guess what? i'm not even stressed, i just have a lot to do. i guess that does matter, because i just cry really easily...or i'm more stressed than i know? i don't know. what the heck? =.="

K Boys Night!

all my posts on this blog have been pretty "meaningful" if i do say so myself, so time for a weekend update post! on saturday night, since it was the first saturday of the month, it was Korean Boys night! so that night, i managed to stuff a total of 7 people on my camry (that's the number of people you fit in a van, not a sedan...) and we all went to applebee's together! oh man, so much laughter. there was so much laughter, that we forgot what we were laughing one point, my stomach was hurting from all that laughing...hahaha, those boys are funny. then of course, when out with the K boys, we MUST, it's almost a rule, stop by Meijer...haha, so we went there afterwards and did more was a good night. i'm so thankful to have wonderful friends like them. :) yesterday was pretty typical. but at night, karen and rok dam wanted to study for theology, so they came over and i helped them study...haha, man, something i'm actually good at :P a...

Beautiful Cousin

this is my cousin, tiffany (小齊姐姐) : she's my favorite, i like laughing with her, and we like laughing at each other :D she's moving to SF today, and even though i'm not even in tucson, i feel like she's leaving me...two years ago, when she graduated from Berkeley and moved back home to tucson, we got a lot closer, and when she moved to NY to get her masters at NYU (yes, i'm trying to show you how smart she is...hahaha) i was super sad, but this year, we had another awesome summer together, and i think as i'm getting older ( we're all getting older) all of us cousins are getting closer, i love it~ because when we're all old, we can sit around at someone's house and laugh at really dumb things, like our parents do now! :D anyways, i'm writing this in class, so it's not a really unified thought. my point is: i love my cousin! and i'm so excited for you as God slowly unfolds His plan for you! 一步又一步,這是恩典之路。你愛,你手,將我緊緊抓住。一步又一步,這是盼望之路。你愛,你...


I've been sharing with quite a few people about the "personal and communal relationship" (see below) lately, and every time i go into that topic i'm trying to bring in the whole Calvin chapels thing, so i begin with how i barely attended any services last year and how technically, that makes me unqualified for being a WA (not to mention, my failure in piano and singing...). anyways, these few days, i've been crazy busy trying to organize a lot schedules for different things, and because of that, i started thinking of "well, who's qualified?" anyways, long story short, i had to go through this whole thing of how i really don't think this certain person should be teaching, because i just didn't think they were qualified...but after long talks with different people. EVEN THOUGH this one person might not be "qualified for the job" i cannot take away his or her chance, because that's grace. and 7 years ago, if someone had said, ...

Personal and Communal

my worship team had to lead calvin's chapel and LOFT (sunday service) all week last i was hecka busy and there was almost no breathing time. but PTL! because homework was light, hahaha. anyways, so then i had to be at all the chapels (even though, i technically should go anyways :P) but it made me love calvin's chapel and loft! i went to VERY few of the services last year, so i wasn't too interested, but being sorta "required" to go, i really enjoyed each time. sunday after LOFT i was SO hyper that i was sitting at my desk flipping out, i kept telling everyone how hyper i was and everyone just thought i was crazy...i had so much extra energy with nothing to do. ANYWAYS, the point is: our relationship with Christ is both personal and communal. last year, God was kept reminding me the importance of a personal relationship with Him, and last year i learned to push myself to move like no more parents/brother reminding me to do what i'm suppo...


Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like you have loved me Break my heart from what breaks yours Everything I am for your kingdoms cause As I go from nothing to eternity So, this weekend happened something that I think affected me more than I thought it would. Well, I mean, it really didn't affect me at first, because I didn't think it was a big deal, but apparently it was a bigger deal to someone else. Anyways, the few things I learned this weekend (how ironic that the first week of school, everything i learned was outside of school....haha) 1) my family's really united, some might disagree from what they've seen, but we really are. my family's so supportive. also, when I was younger, I never thought I would really be able to talk to my brother. but this summer, during his move/transition to Texas, we've talked a lot more - and not just random crap, like serious stuff. hahaha. so this time, when I could...


WA-LLE, not WALL-E. two weeks of WA training ended on Thursday, we went to South Haven Beach as a celebration, haha but we still had minor training there too. it was fun though, just two weeks with this team and i'm already really loving them. it's going to be a good year! training has been mentally tiring, but like i don't really feel it, i only feel it when i get home and sit down, then i'm like shoot, i'm just gonna go to bed. which is really weird because, the two weeks of training, i slept before/around 12. hahaha. monday we had our first worship, it was the first time playing with the WA team, and it was also my first time playing at Calvin. wow, i was nervous. because when we had our first rehearsal (which was only like 20min) i played so horribly, so when we had our 5min practice before the service, i was just like i'm gonna fail!!! why am i on this team?! everyone is so talented!!! but PRAISE JESUS! the worship (which was for students and parents at ori...

19 is a weird number

hm, my birthday was so long ago, i don't even remember what happened...haha, well it's ok, i'm still gonna do a birthday post because i do every year! so 小齊姐姐, yixuan, winston, and i went to six flags the day before my birthday and it was fun, but i don't know what happened, and i got like sick (not from the rides...) so i apparently missed the best ride :/ ah well. it was a good day nonetheless. then for the day of my birthday i just sat on the car for like 6+hrs, but yixuan, meixuan, and ming surprised me with a cake (pictures with meixuan) and yeaaah. haha that's all. oh and my parents took me to olive garden for lunch two days after too, that was fun! :) NOW ONTO PRESENTS! motivation poster, book, and highlighters coach keychain "special edition" friends BOX set and FRIENDS box set coach sling longer exists though i got this yesterday from my brother! :)

Not Enough Thank You's

i went with my mom and michelle to the mall today, and we walked by Hallmark, so i decided to go in to buy a Thank You card...but i couldn't find one...of all places! HALLMARK! so i asked the worker, and they brought me to the section of thank you cards, a TINY section! the first thought was, wow we definitely do not say thank you enough. Hallmark is the king of cards, yet their supply on thank you is still so small. man, we really need to be more thankful. i don't have anything else to write about, just a random thought from today...a legit post will come soon.

A New Beginning

whee, new blog. i feel weird leaving fanest thoughts . anyways, i can't believe it's already a little more than two weeks, i'll be heading back to grand rapids and begin my second year of college, the worship apprentice program, and the internship at mars hill. oh boy, it's gonna be a busyyear! i have only about 2 more days of work at the Lu's house this week, then about a week of work at New China...i'm super sad about having to leave Anita...i'm gonna miss her so much!!! holy crap. i can't even think about it now...anyways, i don't have anything to blog about, i justthought i should start up this blog...what a horrible first post. here, this will make it better.