
Showing posts from 2011

New Blog!

new blog for MESP Fall '11! so yesterday, i was pretty much drowning in God's love. hahaha God is SO good to me!!! holy crap, i couldn't believe it, God is so good! such good testimony, i will tell you if you ask me. okay, pray for safe travels this semester!

الأسبوع الماضي

[i google translated the arabic, hahaha, i'm not that good at it YET :P it says "last week"] so last week was birthday week, probably the most low key birthday i've had the past few years...haha, but it was good! daniel 叔叔 and family treated me to japanese cuisine at derek 哥哥 and tracy 姊姊's restaurant, which was delicious! and i got to have fun with the silly kids, i have pictures, but i'm lazy to upload now, it'll be on fb before i leave anyways...other than that, there really was no "birthday celebration" which is perfectly fine with me, because we never really do anything anyways, so i liked it. i've been working at the restaurant and it's SO tiring! but i remember why i liked working there so much before...working with the servers are so much fun, they're all around my age, they're all very chill, and it's just fun to be with them. i miss the old servers a lot though, but these new ones are just as fun! but i pray that...

1 Corinthians 13

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. i once heard a sermon that asked if we could swap out "love" with our could my list actually say "Jocelyn is patient, Jocelyn is kind and is not jealous..."? haha, i pray that i will one day be able to substitute love with my name, wouldn't that be something? friday was my last day teaching kids, since they finished their workbooks on thursday, i just made rice krispie treats with them, it was my first time, and it didn't turn out right, but it was still good and they had fun. AND anna let me hold her for a very long time without crying, i managed to take a few pictures of her laughing...

Extended Winter

from:  etiquette for a lady it has been confirmed! i will return from Cairo on november 30, this means, i get the whole december off, and by off i mean, i'll be working. hahaha. but it's good! because i must earn money since i won't have double income like i did last semester...BUT big "secret" plan (not really secret since it's on the www) is that i might go to taiwan during that time! ahhh! so excited! okay, actually it's like literally just an idea, not even a plan...BUT if it works out (which i'm praying it does) i'll be on the beautiful formosan island! whee! i haven't been back in 4 years! i'm praying, pray for me too! hahaha, either way, abroad semester has been cut short by two weeks, air tickets are rather troublesome and expensive...sigh. today 頌揚 brought 3 SAF friends to church, singaporeans/south east asians are so funny! they're so chill and everything's just funny. yixuan, if only you were here, we could have a si...


did you know blogger keeps track of how many views your blog gets, which site the visitor came from, what country they are viewing from, what browser they are using, and what OS they are using too? i found this last week, it's so creepy. hahaha. people from germany and india have viewed my blog this week...what the crazy. and then when i look at all time stats, there are all these other random countries, i think the randomest is i have had views from iran, hahaha. SO random! it's actually kinda fun looking at this though, hahaha, but then this also means people will know when i go on their blogs... it's sunday again tomorrow, july seems to be passing by faster than june...i kinda wish my fall semester plans would be "set" now, because i still needa change tickets and stuff, and it's troublesome if they don't tell us ya, whatevers, i'll let God take care of that. He always has something ready at the perfect timing. whenever i think back to a...

Kids, Egypt, etc...

有些事我只想要對你說,因你比任何人都愛我; 痛苦從眼中流下,我知道你為我擦。   在早晨我也要來對你說,主耶穌今天我為你活;   所需要的力量你天天賜給我,你恩典夠我用。 i really like those lyrics...i especially like "有些事我只想要對你說"...i have lots of people that i consult things with and ask advice from, but a lot of times, it's better to just go to Him and pray...and as history has shown, things work out better than we could ever have imagined. praise the Lord! :D i'm not even through with the second week of teaching these kids and i'm going crazy...i told my mom i haven't disliked my name this much...hahaha, i hear "嬌嬌姐姐" at least 200 times a day, and i'm not even's the worst when they're doing work, cause all 3 of them say my name at the same time...but i'm still thankful, if it wasn't for Daniel 叔叔 and Susan 阿姨 providing me a job every summer - no matter where - I would not be able to pay for my own tuition. but teaching these kids have seriously helped me understand why our entire family ...


I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with 冰冰 on Thursday's midnight showing. ahhh!!! i NEARLY cried, but since i don't cry at movies, nothing came out, hahaha. it was sooo good though! i wanna watch it again, no, i WILL watch it again! i'm so glad i read the books before watching these movies, ahhh! i wanna relive Harry Potter!!! ANYWAYS, i've been working this past week, and it's been fun and =___=" too, hahaha, but anita really makes everything better. she makes teaching them so much more fun. on friday a missionary from saudi arabia came and spoke, oh man! it makes me so excited for ministry of magic !!! it's so exciting, and it made me re-plan my future a bit. anyways, it was exciting, i like hearing the work of missionaries/pastors out there. and i really liked church today, i really liked baba's sermon and mama's sunday school lesson was really good too. it was just really "filling." my mom's been saying, "wo...

"Beginning" of Summer

this week has been rather relaxing. since summer school ended on Tuesday, we went to phoenix on thursday and hung out with 二姨媽, and i couldn't stop laughing at everything she said. i hope i'm as jolly as her when i'm old. anyways, yesterday, ma and i made 水餃 and 雲吞 while ba 烤叉燒, it was fun. my 水餃 making skillz improved, hahaha, they don't look that ugly anymore! but making these things made me miss all the other relatives, cause all the aunts and uncle used to gather together to make anyhoo, work begins tomorrow. time to make some moolah. i calculated my tuition cost this year, and it's gonna be difficult supporting myself...BUT, as He's been faithful before, He'll be faithful again, so i have nothing to worry about, i know He will provide. i dunno if i've written about this on here yet, but there's a possibility of me going to Taiwan to teach english with a program called Fulbright, it's with the government, and i've been work...

Done [again]!

DONE WITH SUMMER SCHOOL! [choir] Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! I am also forever done with anything science, hahaha. I'm excited for summer to "begin"! Going to Phoenix with parents on Thursday and Mark comes back on Friday! Got two whole months of work before Israel and Egypt! So last night, as i was doing my devotions, i found something really interesting!!! Jonah 2:10-3:3 "Then the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land. Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, 'Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you.' So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three days’ walk." I've heard this story i think at least once every year of Sunday school, but what i realized this time is that when the big fish spit Jonah out, it did not spit him onto Nineveh. ...

Home Sweet Home

everything is truly better at home. i even think the detergent we use smells better, i especially like the smell of my towel...hahaha. tomorrow's the fourth of july, happy birthday america. i always feel pretty patriotic on july 4th, haha the day itself just makes me patriotic. that also means, after tomorrow, i have a chem final and i am done with summer school! YAY! praise Jesus! then after that, on july 6th, 哥 leaves for TW with 4C stm! i'm excited for 'em, but i'm also super jealous! guh's gotten to go back every summer because of missions, but i haven't been back since 2007...rawr. i'm actually kinda surprised it's july, i'm leaving for israel/egypt sooner than i think...i've gotten the Arabic alphabet down, but everything else I don't understand...hahaha, and then i gotta finish reading Blood Brothers  and the two chapters of the other textbook. but it's ok, i start working next week, so i'll have plenty of time to read at t...


Philippians 2:5-11 "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." We did this bible study in yg last week, and I've been thinking about it since then...I remember this passage so clearly from middle school, I remember highlighting it when I first read it in the bible I use for devotions, I remember falling in love with it when Professor G...

God Is So Good!

"尋求耶和華的甚麼好處都不缺。" 詩篇34:10b "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me!" Man, this song perfectly captures my thoughts. God is SO good to me!!! 祢太愛我了。My ticket to Israel and Egypt was bought yesterday, and i've been trying to get a ticket for the longest time, but time just never seemed to be good enough, and when i finally settled down on one, my program's itinerary was changed...i was like RAWR! So i sent the updated itinerary to my agent, and PTL! I'm on the exact flight as the group, except I'll be flying from Phoenix and back!!! I'm so thankful, God knew before that the group flight would be changed, so no ticket was prepared for me, but now everything works out! 哇,太奇妙了。NEXT, I've been researching netbooks because I don't wanna bring my apple abroad, and netbooks are just easier...and I researched before I told my mom I was gonna buy one, cause then it'd be easier to convince her. So I also prayed befor...

I Can't Believe It

I can't believe it's not butter! Uncle Ong and family came to church today, Vivien and Jessie are so freaking pretty now! AND Vivien's 12 and Jessie's 10! ahhh! it's so weird! hahaha, i don't know why i'm flipping out when others are flipping out about me graduating soon, but still!!! the ong family's very first time in US was when Jessie was just born! dang...crazy how time flies. BUT time seems to be passing by awfully slow this's only been a week of summer school...i've only been back home for 3 weeks...why is time sooo slow this summer? i have my first chem test tomorrow, hahaha, i've been sleeping in class, but been acing all quizzes and hw, why am i so amazing? i really don't know. HAHA. [i never finished writing on sunday because people kept coming over to our house...] i murdered that test today. why is pima such a joke? the lab we were doing today was so lame compared the ones we did in Woon's...hahaha, i guess it...

First Day

oh man, today has never felt more like another day in high school...i had chem class at 8am, and i got back at like 2:30pm...and i did the "drive myself, come back tired, throw socks in laundry room on way in, nap (not yet, but i will)" routine...hahaha, ok, well it's not that bad, only 15 more classes, and 11 more labs, HAHA, i'm already counting down...but by then, it'll be July...THEN everyone really will be gone, except for Jerry...anyways, i've been reading 7 Things He'll Never Tell You...But You Need To Know by Dr. Kevin Leman, such an entertaining book, he's so smart! and so the weird things is, i was on his daughter's blog (i went to middle school with her, it's not weird.) and she had this post that i REALLY liked. link here . haha, she is obviously Dr. Leman's daughter... this past weekend was the first weekend being home, and i missed our was fun hanging with yee-hizzle for a bit. i feel like we both "dumb down...


i've been home a little more than a week now! it seems A LOT longer though...So this past weekend was the EFCSB retreat, praise Jesus! I had a lot of fun leading the children's thing and thank God for my mommy helping out with those 3.5hr sessions...there was this super adorable kid named Joshua, ahhh! i like him so much! he doesn't look particularly cute, but the things he does makes him SUPER cute. i want my kid to be as cute as him! 他好乖! definitely favorite kid at retreat (aside from Anita). retreat ended on monday and then on tuesday: 小冰,薛凱,金冰,冰冰,小梅, xiao juan ahyi, and i went to disneyland! my second time this year!!! i love disneyland! but friggin big thunder and star tours were down...BUT we went on splash mountain AND space mountain twice!!! wahahaha. it was a good day, watching all those first timers' excitement is really cute, they had the same excitement as the kids had last summer...hahaha. anyways, being home has been nice, i haven't been sleeping in no...

i hate packing

[began writing on sunday] Exams: Friday: ENGL 210 Final Monday: REL 231 Final Wednesday: REL 295 Final Thursday: Cho and Karen leave me Friday: Mommy comes home Saturday: Graduation, someone's proposal, Guh's 29th birthday!!! WOW! Sunday: Meixuan's 21st birthday! Monday: Yixuan leaves me, then I fly away i hate packing. i hate checking out. i wanna burn down my apt. hahaha. going home tomorrow, oh so very bittersweet. i said SO many byes today at's so weird knowing i won't be back in the fall...@.@ [continued writing on monday] home. what a weird feeling. 一回來就 “嬌~~~快來幫我一下!” hahaha, and that was literally when i entered our door. i'm usually pretty good with goodbyes, because i always know i'm gonna see that person again, or that hope is always there, so it makes leaving really not that hard, but this time was different, knowing that i'm gonna be back in jan and then most likely leaving again in a semester makes me spazz a little, sin...

Strangers, again

我不想讀書了,我只想彈鋼琴。心情爛透了。要跑到學校才有鋼琴給我彈到爽,但又沒有時間讓我去彈個兩個小時。如果在家就好了,我甚麼時候要彈就彈,彈的多瘋狂都沒關係。ahhhh! 我需要一台鋼琴來讓我發泄!I realized I process my thoughts only in Chinese when I'm in any other mood other than hyperness, which is not good for right now, because I can't study when everything in my head is just Chinese. Anyways, I saw this video two days ago, I super like! One of WongFu's best works, but it's rather sad.


Exams: Friday: ENGL 210 Final Monday: REL 231 Final Wednesday: REL 295 Final 快結束了!!!感謝主,我需要睡覺啊~ Remaining Days: Thursday: Cho and Karen leave me Friday: Mommy comes home Saturday: Graduation, someone's proposal, Guh's 29th birthday!!! WOW! Sunday: Meixuan's 21st birthday! Monday: Yixuan leaves me, then I fly away And once I get back, I get I think two days of nothing, before heading out to Cali for the retreat...this summer doesn't seem exciting, or maybe it's just cause I'm not excited for it...haha, I'm sure it'll be different once I get back. On a more exciting note, my Tracy Song has graduated!!! AND she looked extra pretty that day! Congratulations~ You're one step closer to THE GIRLS CRUISE! wahahahaha. Ok, I'm done, I'm so sleepy, I took 3 naps during the exam I just had...I'd sleep then write write write, then sleep, then write write write, hahaha, so stupid.

Last Day!

I'm sitting in my last class of sophomore year! it's just a review session too...hahaha. anyways, tradition: Exam Schedule: Friday: ENGL 210 Final Monday: REL 231 Final Wednesday: REL 295 Final that doesn't look bad at all, whee! fighting! yoush! i was greeter for the last chapel of the year today, and surprisingly Calvin has a lot of attractive people!!! hahaha i belong here. yup. i've had such a blessed year serving at chapel, grant it, worship isn't my focus in the future, but man, it's been such a great blessing!! edit// after WA party i'm so thankful for the WAs!!! i didn't become bffs with any of them, but they've each impacted my life in some way or another. they have been such a joy to work with~ God has been so generous with their spiritual gifts and leadership. i don't know what i'll do without them next year...i was also thinking, what am i gonna do in the middle east without a piano!!! i'm already suffering enough without acce...


Yesterday was mother's day and my mommy is in another country, so i just sent her and 二姨媽,四阿姨,and 小姨 an ecard...i didn't think 大姨媽 knows how to open an ecard, so i left her out...hahaha. anyways, i just saw 四姨丈's ordination pictures, ahhhh! so cool! 1) another family member is now a REV. 2) my dad was on the ordination team, so legit! hahaha anyways, got 2 days of classes left, reading recess then, finals! i'm not ready. haaaa. 怎麼辦? actually i'm not that unprepared, i only have 3 finals, and i'm pretty confident in each of these classes, so not too bad. the weather has been wonderful lately~ i like this perfect amount of sunniness! and the flowers in bloom, the trees are dressed, it's the best! i also decided a few days ago that purple tulips are my favorite flower now, no more red roses. those dark purple tulips are SO pretty!! every time i see them either around campus or just any where i'm just like WAH! GIMME! spring is definitely my favorite season...

By Faith

By Faith - Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend By faith we see the hand of God In the light of creation's grand design In the lives of those who prove His faithfulness Who walk by faith and not by sight By faith our fathers roamed the earth With the power of His promise in their hearts Of a holy city built by God's own hand A place where peace and justice reign We will stand as children of the promise We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward Till the race is finished and the work is done We'll walk by faith and not by sight By faith the prophets saw a day When the longed-for Messiah would appear With the power to break the chains of sin and death And rise triumphant from the grave By faith the church was called to go In the power of the Spirit to the lost To deliver captives and to preach good news In every corner of the earth We will stand as children of the promise We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward Till the race is finished ...

Death Week

It's the last week of school!!! what the poop! it's gonna be my last year soon! that is, if i graduate in time...freakin pima, reply my emails!!! but this last week is total death week. shoot me now. 我不要讀書了. i seem to pull this stunt every year...where i cram all my work into the last week...haha, my parents have been getting me to change this habit since i can remember...anyhoo, parents are in malaysia (so jealous) they'll be in singapore this week, and then malaysia again (i think) and then taiwan, ahhh, so jealous!!! i wanna go back to those places! i told ahBin my parents were back, and he's like "'re not, why do i care?" i thought it was funny and =_________= at the same time...but yeah, pray for my parents! my mom's apparently been overworking again...blah. ok anyways, heavy workload week coming up. boo. i've been having so much fun lately, can't summer just come without all this stuff? rawr. on a brighter note, i'm getting mo...


.......有一點煩, but 星期五,星期五!:D I've been way too relaxed this week, it was literally spring break #2! I didn't have any advising to do, so it was just days off, hahaha, BUT i didn't wake up at/past noon everyday. In fact, I woke up at 9 everyday. Oh. Mai. Gah. hahaha. I'm so not ready for the school year to end, I need another month or something, and i'm not even excited for summer to come. I used to LOVE end of the years and summers, but this year, because I don't know what I'm doing it makes me not excited...also, this week, I felt like my life is on fast-forward. everything is flying at me. along this line, i "reconnected" with the girls this week, holy crap, we're all growing up. meixuan's engaged, tracy's graduating, kathy's going abroad with ethan, and yixuan and i 還是那麼白癡。。。hahaha. i miss the girls, i wanna have a girls sleepover and watch zoolander and talk about stupid things till 5am! but...we're really past that age huh? ...

SO Thankful!

L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore and Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take my heart and please don't break it Love was made for me and you I'm thankful for everything we talked about last night. I'm thankful that we didn't keep ignoring the Holy Spirit. I'm thankful you were able to bring it up first. I'm also thankful you said "you know what" first. 我相信上帝對我們兩個的帶領。I just can't wait for it to unfold. P.S. don't try to decode this post, it's pointless. haha. but if you ask, i might tell you.

The Nails In Your Hands

The Nails In Your Hands - Mercy Me The nails in your hands The nail in your feet, they tell me how much you love me The thorns in your brow, they tell me how, you bore so much pain to love me. I had an interesting thought Thursday...there was a blood drive Tues-Thurs, and I went after class on Thurs, but I went an hour before they were gonna leave cause I didn't wanna wait. Anyways, I went through the whole process of them asking if I had AIDS or if I've sold sex, which I always laugh at each time I do this. Then they poked a hole in my ring finger (ugh, i hate this part the most, it hurts SO much more than the actual drawing of blood) and the push my finger to get blood out, what the fart? After that he measures my blood pressure and heart rate, and then proceeds to tell me "your blood pressure's too low and your heart rate's too fast, you can't give blood" WHAT WHAT WHAT. YOU POKED A HOLE IN MY FINGER! I was then very bitter. hahaha, not really, because ...

Let My People Go!

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, oh baby let my people go! I only have less than 5min before i have to go upstairs to chapel (which i found out this morning that i had to sing at...WHAT WHAT WHAT! @.@) so i've gotta do this quick. I got into the abroad program to Egypt!!! I found out yesterday via email, they said it was supposed to be today, so i didn't think about it at all,but when the email came i was like O_O i didn't even believe it, i re-read it 4 times to make sure i got in...haha. whee! egypt! oh and israel too! wow wow wow! hahaha, i'm excited! plus, enoch's going too, which is like the cherry on top of an ice-cream sundae! this also means, hardcore working this summer to earn money...whee! ok, time to go. Praise Jesus! edit// AH! i'm so excited! i can't believe it though, but now it kinda depends on financial aide, cause if i don't get enough gold, i can't pay for it, then i needs to stay in the freezer...nooooo! pray pray! i'm suddenly uber excited...

Weekend Update

oh boy what an interesting weekend it was. hahaha. praise Jesus though, i loved everything about this weekend; from the very "loved" friday till the very last minute last night, i loved it all. so on friday evening, yixuan and i got on the road to holland. and i don't know what it is about us two being on the car alone, but we went crazy. ahahahahaha, such good times. we blasted music and did silly dances, and laughed a lot . i love doing stupid things with her :D anyways, we arrived at a chinese buffet first, and while stuffing our faces, we played a buncha mind games. muahahahaha. oh, torturing people is so fun. >:] okkk, i'm not gonna do a detailed run down, just sparknotes and highlights. i liked P.Yip's saturday morning's sharing, it was about missions and stuff, ahhh, i miss mission trips! and sat night's sharing by shi mu was really real (haha, what?), i don't know, it's hard to write about how i felt, but it was definitely thought provok...

I'm So Loved!

I am SO loved!!! I can't believe it. 上帝,祢太愛我了!!!I woke up at 6:30am today because of rehearsal. And the remains of last night's feelings (see post below, or not, it's just emo, hahaha) were still lingering around, so I was going to practice like "muh..." But as soon as the sound of worship echoed in the chapel, a smile stretched across my face, but it didn't last long. So let's fast forward a little bit. 9:50am comes around, my musicians get into place and start jamming on the prelude, at that point, my smile was huge - I was just so happy to see them jamming like that and playing as a team, and my last time with them too. Then suddenly, someone pinches me from the back, I turn around and I see Justin "Umma" Kim!!! I promise this is the first time he's come to chapel the two years he's been here. I was SO happy to see him there, AND he brought David Lee! I was so shocked. Immediately happiness rose like 10 levels. I was already so happy t...


心碎之後-溫小平 你可以大聲說出你的痛苦 你可以大聲喊出你的傷悲 你可以大聲叫出你的無助 你卻不要放棄希望 你可以大聲說出你的痛苦 你可以大聲喊出你的傷悲 你可以大聲叫出你的無助 你卻不要拒絕明天 如果你的心 成了乾渴的田地 求上帝的愛 讓他開出花朵 如果你的心 已是碎成了片片 讓上帝的手 摸過你每一個傷口 不知道為甚麼突然特emo。突然覺得壓力好大。但祢在掌權,我還怕甚麼呢?我還擔心甚麼呢?我知道我的一生在祢手中。this is possibly the first time i "blogged" in chinese...haha due to thoughts only processing in chinese right now, but that's all. Jesus, I surrender.


taken 3 months ago on mama's bday ~ (why does 爸爸 look like a midget...?) Happy 32nd Anniversary 爸爸媽媽!!! this is unbelievable. who would've thought that these two stubborn, angry, and evil people could stay in love with each other for so long. grant it, it hasn't always been lovey-dovey, and if anyone's to testify that it hasn't been lovey-dovey, it's me and guh. my parents' story is far from the way the song i posted before this. hahaha, but hallelujah, through the love of God, they "remained" in-love with each other! even though their story is not the ideal love story, their story clearly shows the work of God within it, and each year i see them love each other more and more. i pray that one day i will find someone who will 同心 serve and love God with me as they do. eeeeee, happy birthday 32nd anniversary 爸爸媽媽~ i love you!

What If?

"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if? What If? - Colbie Caillat What if this could be a real love A love, a love, yeah I don't know what to think Is this real or just a dream In my heart is where you'll be I'll keep waiting till we meet What if were made for each other Born to become best friends and lovers I want to stay right here In this moment with you Over and over and over again What if this could be a real love A love, a love, yeah I write our names down in the sand Picturing all our plans I close my eyes and I can see You, and you ask, "Will you marry me?" Is it made up in my mind? Am I crazy just wasting time? I think this could be love I'm serious What if we were made for each other Born to become best friends and lovers I want to stay right here In this moment with you Over and ...

Almost Crippled

哎唷我的媽呀!!!hahaha, haven't used that in forever. always reminds me of the ohio girls during winter retreat...crazy. so, it's been almost 2 weeks and i guess i'll finally blog about it, or blog for the posts have all been birthday stuff...goodness, so many birthdays lately...anyways, so two weeks ago, on spring break, the day after disneyland, my crippled-ness resurfaced. my foot hurts like crazy! especially today, i don't understand. why! ㅠ_ㅠ i finally decided (and forced by mother) to go see someone about it...appointment's on Monday, so we'll see what the doctor says. what if he's like "you're stupid, nothing's wrong, lose some weight." wahhhhh. depressing. anyways, pray! i haven't asked people to pray for my foot cause i feel like it's so stupid, i have no idea why it hurts or how i injured it, so i just don't tell people about it...hahaha. school has been so boring lately. i do not like rel 295. i super enjoy prof ...


edit// ba and ma were ordained 8 years ago today!!! :D i miss anita...mama was telling me stories of her today, i miss her so much! 小蝌蚪~ you don't know how to use the computer, so you can't see this, but 嬌嬌姐姐想你~~~ she's gonna be four in a month!!! when i first moved here, her phone calls with me were just giggles, and now i can have a rather legit conversation with her! i miss my adorable little one. picture taken the day before i left for Michigan this song reminds me of her... You'll Be In My Heart Come stop your crying It will be all right Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here Don't you cry For one so small, you seem so strong My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry 'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be her...


Two years ago with 弟弟 Happy 17th Birthday Yee Su!!! omgoodness, my 小弟弟 is all grown up, dating girls, and going to college in a year! wahhh! i can't believe it, i still remember you in all your cuteness...hahaha, i miss you and i'm sorry we don't talk as much anymore. i don't purposely reject you every time you want to skype...we'll do it soon, i promise! I hope you had a wonderful day visiting colleges, spending time with family, and just loads of fun! i hope you don't leave too soon before the summer, so i can see you! God bless you kiddo, love Him more and more this year!

Spring Break 2011

~Wonderful Spring Break Crew~ Spring Break Highlights (in order of occurrence): -Sitting/driving our new car! -Daniel singing When Will My Life Begin? -Seeing Anita and having her not want to leave my side for 1minute~ -Mount Lemmon with the boys -Watching The Little Lad Dance with the boys! HAHA. -Disneyland! - Cho holding my hand (it was after taking a picture with Pooh, I was walking in front, so I was reaching to the back to get my camera from Yixuan, AND HE HELD MY HAND FOR ABOUT 5 SECONDS!!! It happend guys, believe me.) -Meeting Christine, Cho's sister~ -Hearing Cho's life story on the flight back Wow, so many things about Cho...HAHA. - Most importantly: bonding with the boys and yixuan~ PTL! Reflections/Lessons: -I really need to work on the gentleness fruit... -My parents love me too much~ -The spiritual bond surpasses all bonds I thank You for blessing me with wonderful friends with whom I can enjoy spring break with. I thank You for giving me parents who love me so ...

Paid BFF

Happy Birthday Bernard Wen!!! ahhhhh! it's Bernard's birthday!!! whee~ time for the story of how i met bernard! in the summer of 2008, i went to Ohio to visit my brother and to do college visitations in the midwest. i went to Guh's youth group that friday and it was an activity night! we went bowling! there were 3 guys and 3 girls on my team, one of the guys was BERNARD! whee~ i didn't talk to him all. HAHAHAHA. anyways, that IS when we met though. then later that year at winter retreat, we talked a wee bit more, i think...anyways, it was after winter break that we started texting and chatting, and most importantly, omgpopping...hahaha, major bonding there. then yeah, our "bff" relationship came to be! haha, i'm so happy to have a "bff" like bernard, he kept me sane during my transition to calvin and even though we haven't talked in quite some time, our random texts are still uber enjoyable. happy birthday bff! i hope you had a w...


the tip thing on the top of the pic is the light... Happy Birthday Enoch Chan!!! holy crap, i don't even know where to begin...but skipping all the hate from the beginning, enoch's a friend i'm so thankful to have. now i'm not gonna write anything more about how i appreciate him or why he's just so awesome, because...he's already too full of himself. :D anyways, happy birthday enoch, i hope it was stupendous! now that you're officially an adult, you gotta 讓我贏, because 大的要讓小的。 haha, well, don't "grow up" too much, i do enjoy our dumD arguments...most of the time...except when you make me feel horrible about myself...-glare- whee, happy birthday grampy~

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts before bed: -doing devos yesterday, I found that there's a guy named "Dodo" when i call you a "doudou" i'm being biblical. -how can it be my last time for LOFT already?! -i really like cooking. now that i have good ingredients to cook with, it's a lot of fun. i like being satisfied by my own product. -got exams back today, half satisfied, half disappointed. oh well. -i miss tracy~ -almost spring break!!! -shoot, we still don't have enough housemates yet. -our relationship is a roller-coaster's making me sick. wow, how can one person have that many feelings all at once? i don't know, God made me this way. i'm done, just random.

Twin and Rabbit!

生日快樂大雙胞胎!!! yesterday was 婷婷's 23rd birthday! we've known each other for 5 years, but we've only had the blessing of seeing each other 2 times. nonetheless, we are twins, so we still get along awfully well. this girl is loud, sarcastic, funny, mean, and just plain awesome. i miss her so much~ 婷,我想回馬來西亞喝喜酒,快呀~ :) God bless you, even though you might have forgotten about Him, He has never forgotten you, and i'm still praying for you! (haha, i couldn't find a picture of us, but i found a silly picture of you!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Z.z!!! Z.z turned 21 today! wow wow wow!!! an official adult, now time to act like one!!! hahaha, Z.z and i have too many dumb stories (that we should probably not tell, how embarrassing...) but he's still a good friend, and when we get to talk, it's still fun. he's a piano god, i remember being awestruck by his piano skills, his fingers go all over the place. Z.z, when you come ah?! i wait so long liao! anyways, happy birthday friend~ ...

Adjustment Bureau

Watched Adjustment Bureau with yixuan, karen, and kboys last night, whee~ i liked it. matt damon might not be super good looking, but i definitely love his movies! also this movie had so many theological references i was about to write a sermon on it, except there was a theological error in there, but i won't mention it now. anyways, this weekend was super chill, thank God! i think it's because of the two exams on friday, it took the load off me. so saturday and sunday were playplay days! plus, didn't have to do anything for chinese church, so didn't have to rush to church immediately after the first service...but during communion i kept trying to get P.Ting's attention to ask if he wanted me to play piano, and when he finally looked at me, we did this special sign language thing, i found it funny. anyhoo. at church today, i had to go do so many thank yous for my parents, and people that didn't know me before all know me now, because i'm like "叔叔,阿姨好,我...


爸爸 and 媽媽were here for a week, and they left yesterday. I loved having them here, they love me so much~ this week has been very...FULL. hahaha, mama cooked nonstop and it was all my favorite foods! i felt like cutting open my stomach after every meal. yixuan and i were like "we never learn! we over eat EACH meal!!!" mama preached a total of 4.5 times, oh my goodness, i love her. she is amazing, and i'm not just saying that because she is my mommy...i've gotta be better than her in the future! 她太厲害了~ and i spent much more time with my dad this trip, which was surprising, cause before they got here, i actually thought i'd spend every moment talking to my mom...but instead i spent more time talking with my dad! which was a nice change, we had to go out together every day, so we spent a lot of time talking on the car. it reminded me of when i was little and he'd take me out once a month for breakfast as a father-daughter time. and it was always my favorite day! an...


我等你 - 光良 不做考慮也沒半點猶豫 我就說了這一句 我等你 你眼中閃過了一些訝異 更多的是懷疑 所以你可以離去 不相信你還會回心轉意 是我任性才決定 要等你 我眼中的淚沒掉過一滴 只是隨你背影 慢慢倒流進心裡 我等你 半年為期 逾期就狠狠把你忘記 不只傷心的 還包括一切甜蜜 要等你 要證明自己 我可以縱容你在心底 也可以當你只是路過的人而已 我等你 半年為期 逾期就狠狠把你忘記 你應該已經和她公開在一起 要等你 要證明自己 我可以縱容你在心底 也可以當你只是路過的人而已


why do things have to change? i'm not talking about the whole growing up stuff, that i understand. moving, i understand. different places, different people, all that i understand. i don't understand relationship do best friends just stop talking? how does that bond just break? or how does the relationship that took us so long to build suddenly become so "cold"? and all that time we spent together talking about everything , how come we can barely talk now? i know it's a two way street so i can't just blame you, but i'm not quite sure how to build this again. also, it seems like when we try to talk like before, it just doesn't work. i'm not emo. i just re-read some of our conversation, and i really miss it. i want that again. this is unhealthy, i really probably should not do autosave on my computer, looking back does weird things to my head and to my emotions - but they're also good memories. anyways, i'm just nostalgic. p.s. i...


Happy Birthday Justin Youngsup Kim! i'm gonna tell the story of how we met. so around june '09, the summer before moving to Calvin, a total of three incoming students added me on Facebook. two of the 3 people shall remain unnamed, but one of them was JYK. i didn't accept or reject any of the requests because i don't accept people i don't know, but i didn't wanna reject cause i might end up knowing them, so i just left them there. then, on my first day in class, during roll call, who but Justin Kim was in two of my classes...back to back! but then i thought if i added him now, it'd just be weird, so i decided to wait till i had a chance to talk to him. one random week, he came to our fellowship and we officially met! then he decides to sit next to me in psych, but i really didn't want him to so i'd put my backpack there, but then he'd still sit there, so i gave in and let him, from then on, i'd give him an awkward smile when he came in. then o...

Worship Symposium

i have an hour before church is gonna start, so i decided on reflecting on this past week, because even though it was just the past weekend that was symposium, the past week has been the most 充實 week! i praise the Lord God Almighty! Interim class seems like FOREVER ago because of how much stuff has happened this week, but yet, it only just ended Tuesday...crazy. like i said on facebook, having symposium is bittersweet. symposium was draining me dry of my energy, but at the same time, it was very reviving! i thoroughly enjoyed the worship services that we had, not just the ones we led, but the opening and closing service in the CFAC. God is so good! i'm not a huge person about the musical aspect of worship because i think it's such a little part to worship as a whole. but that's what was amazing about worship symposium, it didn't just focus on the musical part, grant it, it was a big part, but it also showed us that that's not what it is all about. also, reverend de...


i'm sitting in the WAffice waiting for justin to be done with airband practice so we can all eat dinner together (rawr, WHY YOU HOLDING UP FAMILY DINNER!) so i have nothing to do here, and whenever i'm trapped in the WAffice, i listen to my family's sermons. so currently, i'm listening to guh's (or according to the website: 王鴻傳道) sermon. and i'm SO proud of him! so so so proud of him! i love my brother SO much! so it made me think of something as i'm sitting here listening to his sermon...i have a freaking awesome family! but i have a freaking ridiculous expectation ahead of me. as i watched my parents video made by CMC again this afternoon and listening to guh's sermon now, i'm like holy poop, my family's so great, and they've all gone before me. when it's my turn, my goodness, i don't know if i can be like that! i remember guh saying this to me before he left for ohio in 2008, this was when i was applying to colleges, he told me tha...

Last Year

Happy New Year!!! Since last night's blog post was on a more serious note, i'll start off the year with something less "serious" and just random... 1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before? snow tubing, went to Chicago, went to Hillsong concert, played piano for chapel/loft, slid on ice while driving, and probably a few other things i can't think of 2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? haha, someone tell me if i kept last years...and yes, will make more for next year... 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? susan ahyi gave birth to the 5th - anna lu! 4. Did anyone close to you die? nope 5. What countries did you visit? canada for the very first time! 6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? MONEY! hahaha 7. What date(s) from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? quite a few~ 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? being offered internships! 9. What w...